Livros publicados, artigos e textos
Victor Valla publications
Victor Valla had a vast textual production. The idea is to provide access to the articles and publications written since his arrival in Brazil in 1964. The majority of this list present their references, but some of the articles are only digitalized and printed, with no references of where their were published (or not). They are organized in alphabetical order to easier localization.
Victor Valla publications with other Authors
Over his years of study and research and his trajectory as a professor and orientor at the National School of Public Health (ENSP/Fiocruz) and at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Victor Valla wrote a variety of articles with other authors. Authors with whom he interacted with at work, in researches, in class, in partnership, people with whom he built complicity when when building his knowledge that was registered for multiple pairs of hands. Here you may find some of those publications.